
Having dreams is one of the starting points of creativity. However, so often dreams remain just that – dreams and fantasy. It is helpful to understand the mechanics of our personal story line that stop us bringing dreams into reality.

In a quiet moment, you may like to reflect on the story you tell yourself about

· who you are and what you’re capable of doing
· the world you occupy and whether it is supportive or obstructive
· the right you have to be unique and therefore to create in a way unlike others might

Following that, you could choose to rewrite your inner story so it becomes more of a “creation” story, one that allows you to transform base ingredients (such as your imagination, knowledge and experience) into the gold of something that shines in the world and becomes a constructive guide to others.

Well done Heather Barrie and Hilary Humphrey for successfully launching into the world of authorship – for creating and achieving what many of us dream of doing!

Image by Merlin Lightpainting from Pixabay



