Take a step towards your Self.

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What my clients say ….

“Margaret is an amazing coach and has helped me to navigate through some major life decisions. With her experience in strengths coaching, counselling psychology, and wide-ranging life experience, she creates a supported and safe space in her coaching practice. This certainly helped me be open to challenges and decisions that I might not have been open to otherwise. Margaret was the person who really inspired me to train as a Gallup coach myself, because I could see for myself what a difference it made to me. Thank you, Margaret!”

— Rebecca

“Margaret's wealth of personal and professional experience mean that she is a veritable goldmine of valuable information. This breadth of experience enables her to address issues in a truly holistic fashion. Despite her gifts and strengths, Margaret is one of the most approachable and genuine people with a refreshing and disarming humility. I was privileged to be one of her guinea pigs as she embarked on her StrengthsFinder journey and have benefited from our association ever since, with every encounter being an enriching one. If there ever was a Fairy Godmother archetype, Margaret would embody it. She brings a playful light into the darkest of places.”

— Lance