Rainbow Series: ORANGE

The next colour of the rainbow to reflect on is Orange – being a mixture, it is a colour that combines the energy of red and the happy optimism of yellow. It is associated with spiritual practice as indicated by the robes worn by monks in Eastern traditions. It is also the colour associated with autumn – a time for harvesting the fruits of past endeavours.

And it is a natural part of sunrise and sunset lights in the sky thus connected to beginnings and endings, being on the cusp of things.

Orange is also the colour of caution, an indication to course correct if necessary. Bear in mind the amber traffic light; it indicates the moment of decision – is it time to safely accelerate to get through before the light changes to red or is it time to apply the brakes – to stop until safe to proceed? Or, as the picture denotes, orange light indicates a time to check one’s momentum, allow one to “idle”, probe and analyse a situation before moving forward with deeper understanding.

Are you – or someone you know – stuck at the amber lights? Now might be the time for coaching to help you analyse your situation and move you to the green light of a solution.


Rainbow Series: GREEN


Rainbow Series: RED