Rainbow Series: GREEN

Green is the next colour in the rainbow series – long been one of my favourite colours.

As with each of the colours, it is symbolic of many concepts and aspects of our daily lives.

It is the colour of new life and growth, of freshness, nature and renewal, beginnings and “get up and go”! It also stands for naivety, innocence, envy and greed. As with so many things in life, the same thing can signify apparently dramatically opposite concepts – the yin/yang of life.

Green is also the middle colour of the spectrum and could be seen as a balancing or pivotal point – the aspect through which concepts evolve, going from one extreme to the other. At the same time, evergreen represents what is enduring and everlasting – a sort of constancy and stability that denies the go of green.

Politically, green stands for sustainability, consideration for our planet, the connectedness of life and appreciation of interdependence.

Green is the colour of chlorophyll – the element in plants that converts light into energy – and this conversion element is the one I associate with coaching – a process whereby we can convert dormant and unacknowledged energies into something that fuels the personal journey of transformation and personal growth.


Rainbow Series: YELLOW


Rainbow Series: ORANGE