

This is a weird condition that many are infected with – the condition in which uncertainty and fear control decision-making and the capacity to act. In general, it is a learnt condition – something developed during formative years - though it can also develop following a particularly traumatic or unexpected event.

How do we treat such a condition – no antibiotic or vaccine will be effective! Time for reflection – to consider how to deal with life’s challenges more effectively. Many self-help books encourage one to visualize living a desired outcome or set goals and keep paying attention until the goals materialize. This is effective for those of us that can focus our attention – not a talent given to all of us. Almost always, “whatifitis” grows from an unnamed fear of some sort and until the root is identified, recognised and addressed, the condition is likely to continue, usually building more frustration that in turn exacerbates the consequences.

The better we understand ourselves, the more likely we are to be able to change our behavior - to our advantage and therefore for all those whose lives we touch. Coaching is one way to develop self-understanding and help heal debilitating “whatifitis” effectively, giving one more control, especially in times of uncertainty.



Self Discovery


Rehearsing & Coaching