Rehearsing & Coaching


It is taken for granted that musical or theatrical performers and sports people, spend much of their working life rehearsing or practising for an event that is generally “played” before an audience. This practice and rehearsal generally happens in the presence of a coach – an experienced observer that guides the process of rehearsal.


For a while I have reflected on the different verb used for those outside the performance arena - “work” as opposed to “play”. It seems to me that those that work are somehow expected to give an ongoing polished performance for a less defined audience all the time. That is demanding and stressful to say the least.


The role of a personal or team coach in the world of work brings that quality of “rehearsal for performance” into the arena. In coaching, ideas can be toyed with, ways of being tried, tested or experimented with and, most of all, a unique way of being can be rehearsed for best performance of a particular role in the world at large.  Are you ready for rehearsal and practice in a non-threatening environment? If so, please message me to arrange an introductory conversation.


Image by Christopher Sinnott from Pixabay 




