
While the trees are still bare, a wonderful view from my kitchen window is of the squirrels cavorting in the entangled branches of neighbour’s trees. And I marvel at squirrel antics and their incredible agility.

Apart from the joyful playfulness, the incredible speed of adjustment fascinates me – it’s sure footed and secure. Patently, these creatures are totally in their element and have no concern for their safety or security.

Being completely “at home” in the environment patently supports this agility. One of the great challenges of life is the ability to be completely “at home” within ourselves – so secure in who we are (and who we are not) that we too can become agile in the face of change, sure footed no matter the demands and clear about our boundaries. All of this helps us move through life with greater ease and more playfulness.

An outcome of coaching is the development of internal security and self-knowledge that clarifies where, when and how we will act or be influenced by others. This clarity makes for more assuredness in life – like the squirrels, we can be sure-footed and agile, experimental and playful, having established the boundaries of the impact others have on us and we on them.

Image by Scottslm from Pixabay


Snow in April?

