Diamond carat refers to the weight (not size) of the stone – a carat is equivalent to 0.2gms.  It is not only the weight of a gem that matters in establishing appeal – cut, colour and setting play a role. Choosing an appropriate gem rests on the purpose for which it is intended.

To follow my analogy of people being like diamonds, when choosing people to fulfill various roles in our lives, characteristics chosen for one role may be very different from those of another role – e.g. choosing a business partner or a romantic partner! There may be some similarities but, in the same way diamond settings vary, so the “settings” for various roles alter. The criteria when choosing are weighted in varying ways.

One of the values of personality profiling is that it offers an objective assessment of an individual so the person making the choice is less likely to be biased by extrinsic factors.  Profiles such as the Gallup Strengthsfinder® that I use for coaching, give more depth and weight of understanding of innate personal qualities  – both for individual understanding and for performance in the various roles played in life.

To discover your hidden depths via coaching, please contact me at www.margaretbarrie.com


