The 5th consideration when purchasing a diamond is cost - the monetary resources one is prepared to invest in the symbol of engagement in a relationship.
Engagement signifies relationship commitment, whether a personal or business one. What I’ve been illustrating with this series of posts is at core about the relationship with Self – if we do not understand ourselves and what motivates us to show up at our best in the world, we are likely to face many unnecessary challenges in the process of life.
A good investment brings good returns – i.e. the multiplying of the original resources - be it time, intellect, energy, money or any number of relevant things.
The value of coaching to the coachee lies in the returns on the investment that deepens self-wisdom and enhances the relationship with Self – this in turn promotes improved performance in relation to all aspects of life. The better we understand our intrinsic nature and how to successfully employ this knowledge in various life situations, the better we are able to perform.
If a coaching relationship appeals to you, please contact me on www.margbaretbarrie.com