A certificate of authenticity is supplied when buying a diamond– written proof that it is what it purports to be. 

Certifying professional qualifications is a more nuanced process. The standardized qualifications required to get a license to practice one’s profession is one thing – however, a certificate of academic qualifications says little of the particulars of the person holding that qualification. When it comes to personal development, there needs to be a good “fit” between coach and coachee – enough shared understanding of life processes that provides a solid platform on which trust is developed. This enables the coachee to embark on the process of change in their way of being. Coaching is so much about coming to terms with the fact that an old way of being, thinking or behaving is no longer tenable or delivering the desired outcomes in one’s life. It is about knowing that better is possible and can be attained working with a respected and respectful coach/guide on the path of change.

Finding a good fit with a coach doesn’t necessarily come easily – hence the value of the initial exploratory call to assess the “fit”.

To book an exploratory call,  please visit www.margaretbarrie.com


