The sixth word to keep in mind when choosing a diamond is Conscience – ensuring the stone is ethically sourced and can be purchased with a clear conscience.

The equivalent in terms of relationship engagement at any level seems to me to be about understanding one’s value system and being open about it when entering any sort of relationship. For a coaching relationship to bear the best fruit, there needs to be an element of shared values so that the path is clear for the relationship to proceed with integrity. As coach, one really wants what’s best for a client - it’s not about imposing values and principles where uncertainty or insecurity lies. Entering a coaching relationship takes a particular type of courage – as client, one is needing to be open and honest about the way things ARE so that fruitful changes can be made to enhance and improve the quality of the relationships the coachee has with all the important role players in their lives. The outcome is about the coachee being able to live happily with the person they become in an authentic way – providing a solid base on which to continue growing into the future.

Ready for coaching? Please contact me on www.margaretbarrie.com


