Last week, I posted about being still in order to hear one’s Self. Since then a client reported that they were stunned by the idea that “we are not our thoughts”. This is a particularly intelligent professional who decided to practise being still. It became clear that, to my client, being intelligent meant being able to think, select what made sense and discard the rest. As “thought” itself was so highly prized, it was really challenging to consider that their thoughts were not “them”!

On further processing, the client mentioned a particularly difficult relational challenge, which brought to light that what my client was thinking and what the other was thinking were personal responses to a difficult situation – not intellectual understandings of the situation. This helped them grasp that their thoughts were not necessarily “them”.

Thoughts, including self-evaluation, come and go – we can retain them as a truth or we can see them as an energy that “passes through” the mind and thus not necessarily fixed. Thus, we can “change our minds” about ourselves – be free of thoughts that might bind us into in a way of being that makes life more challenging than it needs to be.

Hearing oneself requires mindfulness and awareness. It requires some insight into who you are. If you would like to connect with me and explore ways of hearing self, get in touch with me: www.margaretbarrie.com.


