Rainbow Series: INDIGO

The final colour in the rainbow is Indigo – a colour often associated with rituals and spiritual practices of devotion. It is not a colour one often hears referred to, perhaps because it is at the darkest spectrum of the rainbow. I find it a sort of intangible colour  - a colour one can’t quite pin down in a particular way – thus nebulous and ethereal.

For some, it is connected to justice and wisdom, selflessness and devotion to “higher” aspects of life than what is purely material. There is an air of mystery and other worldliness about the colour.

The rainbow is colourful and attractive – a wonderful way in which nature reveals her complexity by splitting white light into its component parts.

And, on this note, I am bringing the rainbow series to a close, leaving you, the reader, to reflect on what it and each of the colours symbolize and mean to you personally.

May you all enjoy a colourful life going forward.




Rainbow Series: VIOLET