Joy of Meeting

Meeting people in the physical world after months of online exchanges – what a joy!!

In the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing hospitality with 7 people, previously met only on online networking platforms. The real magic is that, had it not been for the restrictions of lockdown, I would not have met these people in the first place as they all live at some considerable distance from me. However, circumstances have since made these meetings possible.

And the best part of the physical meetings was to discover that the online connections had laid down a strong foundation on which even stronger connections could be developed. It’s very heartening to know that our intuitions are not adversely affected by technology!

Right now, the more positive we can find in our day to day lives, the better. Even in the midst of major crisis, some people manage to step up and do positive things, guiding the way forward.

Maybe you will be inspired to mindfully bring something positive into the world today!


Ignorance is Bliss

