Consider our understanding of time. We are taught that it is a finite measure of experience, broken into years, months, days, hours and minutes, each accurately measured by universal instruments against which we can check our immediate relationship with the “passage of time”.
Reflect on our actual experience in the absence of measuring instruments - and you may find that it is relative to individual emotional investment in what is happening at any moment. We await an exciting event, are stuck in a stationery lift, have a “deadline” to meet or are enjoying a piece of music – the same measure of actual time will be experienced differently, giving time a quality of flexibility that doesn’t exactly exist. Right now, I am having an altered experience of time – the days seem to fly, yet the tedium of confinement makes the day drag into a continuum of apparent sameness because the variety of daily experiences has shrunk.
It has become really important to keep whatever variety of activity IS available to us operative in daily life, thus keeping us emotionally more positive. And practising being in the moment takes on even more meaning.
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay